Monday, November 21, 2005


Out to Arizona for ISPE for a couple of days...back to the office for 1/2 a day for some critical to the mountains for a couple of days R+R with the family...

sounds great, had a lot of fun, very relaxing...until...

Monday back after a full week out!!!...with a project under budget pressure, trying to maintain a tight schedule...

a full week of Monday's...

It's almost not worth taking any time away from the office...

it is, really, but what a battle to catch up and get back in the loop...

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Phoenix/ Scottsdale/ Arizona

was out at the ISPE Annual Meeting this week in Scottsdale, AZ...

read the review here!!!

I had never been to that part of the country before...Interesting terrain, the flat desert plain surrounded by the rocky bits popping up around the city...hard to get used to the brown gravel desert color scheme, no grass, cactus instead of pine trees, etc...

very spread out, but I was surprised at the density in some of the developments I drove by...houses 10 feet apart, really crammed in there...I guess there's only so much room before you hit the next hill...

The conference was at the Desert Ridge Marriott Resort in Scottsdale...very nice place, beautiful inside and outside...palm courts, fountains and water features everywhere, very pleasant staff...

didn't actually stay in the resort due to oerbooking the resort, so I just had to enjoy the place vicariously at the various meeting events...

nice to see a bunch of people, lots of good seminars, but good to get home, too...