Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Things you might here me say...

"Actions speak louder than words..." could be considered Rule No. 1

"Make a qualitative difference..." don't just have an opinion

"Overtaken By Events..." also known as "OBE"

"There is a need for precision..." 'nuff said

"Never ignore fundamentals..."

"There is no substitute for preparation..." I'm not kidding...

"Life is not a perfect process..."

"Draw like you know what you're doing..."

"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed later..." I thought this was attributed to Patton but I have never been able to confirm it.

"Looking spontaneous is a matter of careful preparation..." M. Twain by way of R. Heinlein.

"Make an effort, not an excuse..." taken from a poster in the gym at our local elementary school...it would be a pleasant chnage if people focussed the energy they expend coming up with excuses and reasons for not doing their work on actually doing work...

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