Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Living History...and Stage Set Design...

This is "Living History" week at Strawbridge School...

This years topic is Immigration...Eileen's classroom was to cover the Trans-Atlantic journey on the steamships of the day...

How do you turn a classroom into the "experience" of boarding a steamship for the journey to the New World...well it takes a gangplank, some cardboard, some paint, and last but not least, some duct tape, as usual...the kids will provide the imagination!!!

The "stage set" aspect of it is fun...create an image, suspend disbelief for a second...what does the mind need to complete the image? I enjoyed the freedom and relaxed approach...It was still challenging...

I stuck to the stage design and production(Facility Design)...I'll chicken out and let the Mom's cover the acting part of the presentation (Operations)...

Isn't that how it always is?...

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