Saturday, July 23, 2005

So it's been 20 years...

December 1984...a date with a relative degree of infamy...for me anyway...

The University of Maryland...(check out the cool "Deep Impact" program)
or more specifically the School of Architecture...

grabbed my degree and off I went...

and here I am...20 down, 19 to go...I want to retire early...I don't want to, it's just that it feels better thinking I'm more than halfway thru

So how is everybody doing?...I guess I should have gone to the re-union...
I seem to remember all of the day-to-day stuff, like staying employed, getting in the way, but I probably should have made the time

I still have such vivid memories from my time there...the people, the efforts, the struggles...the experience was the beginning of defining myself as a person (that sound's a bit much, doesn't it?)...if you where there maybe you know what I mean...

Hey, some of you are still there...Raplh, Karl, Frank, Cindy...
Others appear to be out of academia, practicing in the industry...Steve, the Arnolds...locally (New Jersy local...) the Westfields...

I hope this finds you all well, happy, and healthy...

Well, I gotta go crank out another 20...

more to come...

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